“There are some bad people on the rise” ovvero “delle persone cattive stanno salendo al potere” recita uno degli estratti più celebri di Interesting Drug, pezzo di Morrissey composto nel 1989. Il brano dell’ex leader degli Smiths, dai chiari risvolti politici, è la colonna sonora (rivisitata) dell’ultimo video degli statunitensi Ok Go, l’indie rock celebre le sue geniali clip al limite della follia.
Il gruppo, con un’ironia delicata e irresistibile, ha deciso di dedicare la cover al neo-eletto presidente degli USA Donald Trump e a tutta la sua cricca, a cominciare dal presidente della Russia Vladimir Putin.
Il risultato lo trovate qui sotto, insieme al testo di Interessino Drug.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXEBjCJjDm0&w=560&h=315]
There are some bad people on the rise
There are some bad people on the rise
They’re saving their own skins by
Ruining other people’s lives
Bad, bad people on the rise
Young married couple in debt
-Ever felt had?
Young married couple in debt
-Ever felt had?
On a government scheme
Designed to kill your dream
Oh mum, oh dad
Once poor, always poor
La la la la la
Interesting drug
The one that you took
Tell the truth – it really helped you
An interesting drug
The one that you took
God, it really really helped you
You wonder why we’re only half-ashamed?
“Because enough is too much!
And look around…
Can you blame us? Can you blame us? ”
On a government scheme
Designed to kill your dream
Oh mum, oh dad
Once poor, always poor
La la la la la
Interesting drug
The one that you took
Tell the truth – it really helped you
An interesting drug
The one that you took
God, it really really helped you
You wonder why we’re only half-ashamed?
“Because enough is too much!
And look around…
Can you blame us? Can you blame us? “