Era ora! Walt Disney Records, a poco meno di un mese dell’uscita dell’attesissimo film in tutte le sale del mondo (per l’Italia bisognerà aspettare agosto inoltrato) ha reso disponibili i dettagli sulla colonna sonora del live action de Il Re Leone, il rifacimento “in carne ed ossa” del classico Disney diretto da Jon Favreau.
Contrariamente alle voci circolate negli ultimi mesi, la colonna sonora del live action de Il Re Leone sarà di fatto molto simile a quella originale. Al suo interno troveremo nuovi brani di Elton John come Never too late (il compositore originale, che alla soundtrack del film del 1994 aveva lavorato insieme a Hans Zimemr) e di Beyoncé.
L’artista di Formation, vi ricordiamo, ha registrato la nuova versione della celebre Can you feel the love tonight insieme al collega Chilidsh Gambino e un ulteriore pezzo inedito di cui per adesso non è dato sapere il titolo. Nel film, Beyoncé darà la voce alla leonessa Nala, mentre Gambino interpreterà il ruolo di Simba.
Qui sotto trovate un estratto di Can you feel the love tonight, in fondo al post la tracklist completa della colonna sonora del live action de Il Re Leone, a cui fra l’altro ha lavorato anche Pharrell Williams.
1. “Circle of Life”/“Nants’ Ingonyama” – Performed by Lindiwe Mkhize; African vocals performed by Lebo M; written and composed by Elton John and Tim Rice; “Nants’ Ingonyama” written by Lebohang Morake and Hans Zimmer; produced by Hans Zimmer; vocals produced by Stephen Lipson
2. “Life’s Not Fair” – Hans Zimmer
3. “Rafiki’s Fireflies” – Hans Zimmer
4. “I Just Can’t Wait to Be King” – Performed by JD McCrary, Shahadi Wright Joseph and John Oliver; written by Elton John and Tim Rice; produced by Pharrell Williams; co-produced by Stephen Lipson
5. “Elephant Graveyard” – Hans Zimmer
6. “Be Prepared” (2019 Version) – Performed by Chiwetel Ejiofor; written by Elton John and Tim Rice; produced by Hans Zimmer and David Fleming
7. “Stampede” – Hans Zimmer
8. “Scar Takes the Throne” – Hans Zimmer
9. “Hakuna Matata” – Performed by Billy Eichner, Seth Rogen, JD McCrary and Donald Glover; written by Elton John and Tim Rice; produced by Pharrell Williams; co-produced by Stephen Lipson
10. “Simba is Alive!” – Hans Zimmer
11. “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” – Performed by Billy Eichner and Seth Rogen; written by Luigi Creatore, Hugo Peretti, George David Weiss and Solomon Linda; produced by Pharrell Williams
12. “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” – Performed by Beyoncé, Donald Glover, Billy Eichner and Seth Rogen; written by Elton John and Tim Rice; produced by Pharrell Williams; co-produced by Stephen Lipson
13. “Reflections of Mufasa” – Hans Zimmer
14. TBA
15. “Battle for Pride Rock” – Hans Zimmer
16. “Remember” – Hans Zimmer
17. “Never Too Late” – Performed by Elton John; African vocal and choir arrangements created and produced by Lebo M; written by Elton John and Tim Rice; produced by Greg Kurstin; additional production by Elton John and Matt Still
18. “He Lives in You” – Performed by Lebo M; written by Mark Mancina, Jay Rifkin and Lebohang Morake; produced by Lebo M and Mark Mancina
19. “Mbube” – Performed by Lebo M; African vocal and choir arrangements created and produced by Lebo M; written by Solomon Linda; produced by Pharrell Williams